x | atlantic’s services are backed by the network and experience of managing partner Don Rekko.

Who Don knows

Don has direct and indirect access to the relevant IT decision makers and executives in the DACH and Benelux markets. He can quickly tap into a pool of local business partners who offer value for money and has an informal network of experienced, trusted associates. He knows international trade representatives, who can open doors quickly, supply resources, and provide access to a large pool of secondary service providers. Through active participation in trade and alumni networks, he is well-connected to ‘influencers & interesting people’ such as academics, informal investors, and trade organizations.

What Don knows

Don’s experience on both sides of the Atlantic is an invaluable asset that makes him uniquely qualified to plan, launch, and build international enterprise IT sales and services organizations. In his career to-date he has held managerial roles at world-class firms as a vendor, buyer, and analyst of IT and has worked across the entire enterprise IT value spectrum. Don considers himself fortunate to have been exposed to and learned from the world’s sharpest minds through his education at IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland (Executive IT Management Program), the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business (MBA with high Distinction), and the Technical University in Delft, the Netherlands (Master’s degree in Engineering). Don is also a certified Project Management Professional since 2002.



De Case voor Private Cloud – Een logische stap in de evolutie van het rekencentrum

Eurocloud Nederland, April 20, 2012. Authors: Don RekkoTheo Loth

De explosie van de hoeveelheid informatie die wereldwijd verwerkt, getransporteerd en opgeslagen wordt, gaat onverminderd voort. De druk op IT-organisaties om netwerk,- opslag- en verwerkingscapaciteit te vergroten is daarom intens en niet aflatend. Om de vraag naar meer IT-capaciteit bij te benen, investeren deze organisaties vaak ad-hoc en met onvoldoende

In the cloud: bringing prices down to earth

Computerworld UK, April 1, 2010. Authors: Don RekkoElaine Graham

How does the cost of virtual services delivered in the cloud compare with those of traditional IT service providers? We came to a surprising result.

Counting the Cost of ERP

CIO Magazine UK, June 21, 2010. Authors: Don RekkoElaine Graham

Applications suites anchor many firms, so measuring their efficiency is a smart idea.

 Why is the CFO still the boss of IT?


CIO.com, April 21, 2010. Authors: Don RekkoThomas Wailgum

Just about five months ago, management consultant Don Rekko posed this question to CIO Forum members on the social-networking site LinkedIn: “What makes a CFO uniquely qualified to be heading up IT?”

Amazon-Cloud als günstige Alternative zu Dienstleistern

CRN.de, March 12, 2010. Authors: Don Rekko, Lars Bube, Christian Egle

Kann die Cloud Dienstleister wirklich ersetzen? Das überraschend deutliche Fazit: »Amazon ist eine kostengünstige Alternative – zumindest für Entwicklungs- und Testzwecke«

Benchmarks für den SAP Betrieb

Silicon.de, February 4, 2010. Authors: Don Rekko, Christian Egle.

Organisationen wollen und müssen wissen, ob ihre IT effizient arbeitet. Benchmarking, also der Vergleich mit anderen Anwendern, ist hierfür eine geeignete Methode.

