Author archive: rondekko

Rev it up: building the ultimate sales machine. Part 1 – lead generation

Introduction You have to excuse me for my gear-headedness, but I have spent 8 years of my career in Detroit. In Motown, acceptable topics for polite conversation with strangers at a birthday party are the latest car-models or the woes of supplier so-and-so. B2B sales organizations show lots of similarities with engines. The Ultimate Sales…

What is Infrastructure as a Service?

What is IaaS? Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) means that you can rent a computer plus storage capacity via the (inter)net and only pay for what you use. The ‘compute’ power delivered via IaaS is available immediately – as in ‘as-fast-as-you-type-your-credit-card-details’ – and there are no technical limitations (only financial) to the number of machines that can be…
